Personal Loans

What is A Personal Loan?

Personal loans are classified as installment loans. This means you will be making a monthly or in some instances semi-monthly payment on the amount you borrow with interest until it is paid off. While in some cases you may be asked what the loan is for, you really can use a personal loan for almost any purpose from home improvements to a vacation, an unexpected auto repair, or to pay off credit cards.

Take the stress out of applying for a loan by using our quick and easy Personal Loan application today!

Personal Financing at Eastern Colorado Bank

Let the loan staff at Your Friendly Bank®, Eastern Colorado Bank, help to obtain the financial freedom you desire and deserve. Our local branches in the various communities of Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas are devoted to the hardworking people who live here.

Auto Loan Special

  • 5.99% APR* fixed
  • Loan amount of $15,000 or greater
  • Purchases only
  • No prepayment penalties

    Contact DeNae today for more information.

*Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to credit underwriting and may change without notice.

Are you looking for a Mortgage Loan? Click here for more information.


*All loans subject to credit approval.

Make Your Wallet Smarter

The safe, convenient and secure way to carry around your wallet. 

We Know AgriBusiness

Our lenders work closely with Farmer Mac to ensure your lending needs are met.